
Nekojishi tiger
Nekojishi tiger

nekojishi tiger

He has watched over Liao since he was a child, and fancies himself Liao's 'childhood sweetheart', despite the fact that Liao only recently became aware of tiger's presence. Lin Hu is one of the guardian tigers protecting the Lin family, specifically the one belonging to the tiger statue Liao brought with him to college. Straight Gay: Liao is a quiet sort and doesn't give off any hints of his true orientation.In fact, when accused of becoming a Hikkikomori, his response is "so be it". The Shut-In: Downplayed aside from college, he doesn't seem to go outside often.Shrinking Violet: In contrast to Shu-Chi, Liao prefers to keep to himself and would much rather stay out of the spotlight.Only Sane Man: As seen by his exasperated reactions to the three spirits' actions.Aside from the obvious Pun of "polygama" with the intimate nature of the game, silvervine is known to cause a euphoric response in cats - meaning he might as well be named "double catnip". A literal translation of his full name, Lin Tian-Liao, means "double silvervine", with silvervine being Actinidia polygama. Meaningful Name: The short form, Liao, means "few" or "silent", reflecting his quiet nature.

nekojishi tiger

Look Both Ways: If Liao falls for Shu-Chi's manipulations, he dies this way.“If manga has taught me anything, this isn’t going to end well.”

Nekojishi tiger